
3Penguins specialises in regulatory compliance for clients in finance and high tech companies. Both sectors are currently experiencing a cascade of EU regulatory developments that require clarification, policy and implementation. See below for a non-exhaustive list of activities.

Finance (Venture Capital)

  • Writing the company sustainability policy, in line with the latest regulations.

  • Creating a scan to identify risks and opportunities for portfolio companies.

  • Support sustainability performance of portfolio companies.

  • Regulatory compliance support

High Tech

  • Compliance support for Ecodesign regulations, WEEE Directive, plastics and ecolabels—for a High Tech multinational

  • Chair of a working group involving close monitoring of the latest regulatory developments, providing clarification to members, advocacy—for a European association in Frankfurt,

  • ISO 14001 support for a company in the lighting industry.

  • Sustainability strategy workshop for a company in the 3D printing industry

  • Sustainable design & Life Cycle Assessment workshop for a logistics automation company.

  • A series of sustainability & Life Cycle Assessment workshops for a consultancy based in Leuven.


  • Expert member of ISO TC 323 Circular economy, active member of Measuring Circularity/ISO59020 (to be published).

  • Expert member of EN 4555X 'Material Efficiency’ standards series, in particular: Reparability, Durability, Critical Raw Materials and Information Requirements (published in 2019 and 2020).

Life Cycle Assessment

  • Life Cycle Assessments of products in the design stage for various companies.

  • Teaching Life Cycle Assessments as a trainer for the INNOMAT course (TU Delft).

Collaborations with Higher Education

  • Tool for SME's to assess sustainability performance.

  • Workshop latest European regulatory developments at Brainport, Eindhoven.

  • Lecture and Workshop sustainability for technical education

  • EU legislation and Decision making - lecture TU Eindhoven


  • The strategic value of design for remanufacturing: a case study of professional imaging equipment, Journal of remanufacturing, Nina Boorsma, David Peck, Tanya Bakker, Conny Bakker, Ruud Balkenende (2022).

  • Handbook ‘Designing with recycled plastics’, in collaboration with Partners for Innovation and various companies in the plastics supply chain.